Introduce & Discription Movie
・Choose from 10 designs.
※ Some design has color variations.
・12/24-hour display format switch.
・Date indication switch (English, Japanese, Korean).
・Auto lock ON/OFF.
・you can invert the design horizontal or vertical (reflect to mirrors and glass, etc.)
※ Shake -> invert switching.
・Advance time setting. You can advance the time displayed in 5-minute intervals up to 0-60 minutes.
・Some design have specific settings.
・Voice sound ON/OFF (English, Japanese).
・Time announcement by voice sound and interval setting of time announcement set by the touch controls.
※ Double-tap -> Time, Triple-tap -> Date.
※ Left and right flick -> interval setting of time announcementset,
Down flick -> Confirm of the current interval setting of time announcement.
※ You can switch 1,5,10,15,20,30,60 minutes intervals, or no interval.
・Recommended iPhone 4S.
・When this app does not start up, please try double-push the home button, and quit other running apps.
・There is no alarm function.
・flip flap clock will not move specific flap action as real flip flap clock is.
・Use iPhone or iPod Touch charging up for long term usage.
・Time accuracy is according to the internal clock. There is no time synchronization function.
・The design may be subject to change without notice due to circumstances in the version up.
☆ADClocks Ordinary
The design theme of ADClocks Ordinary is "Ordinary clock". There will be many ADClocks series in the future, and the first edition is standard designs. 9 "Ordinary clock" design + 1 bonus design.
・Theme Design:
Standard, Panel, LCD, Blackboard, Circuit, Side Wood, Nichrome Fire, Speed Meter, LED.
・Bonus Design:
National Football Team Uniform 2011.
☆ADClocks Appearance

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Next series, The design theme of ADClocks Appearance will be "Appearance".